Friday, October 31, 2008

North Carolina

Yesterday was mainly a travelling day. We made good time to Hickory, about ten hours with two stops. Today, we are touring the Lefever Estates, and then do the remaining little bit to Charleston.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Waffler Wedding

Well, yesterday was the big day. Biker Bill walked down the aisle with Kori, and took her as his lawfully wedded wife. Tomorrow, they are off to the honeymoon in the Wine Country of California. There is now a majority of married men in the Wafflers, and everybody is lookin' at me (I dropped the "g" of the end for all you Joe Sixpacks out there). But I digress...

It was an outdoor wedding, and we could not have asked for a better day. I take it as a sign of good things to come. We got to Perona Farms early to do photos, and just before noon, there was a beautiful ceremony in which the vows were exchanged, and two became one.

After a great cocktail hour with many sumptuous appetizers, it was time for the reception. There would be great food, great music, and a lot of dancing. But to start it all off, we had two amazing speeches honoring the bride and groom, given by the Best Man (Dr. Bob) and the Matron of Honor(Karen). Because I have access to the speech notes Dr. Bob, and not out of any disrespect to Karen, I will recount the speech of the Best Man here:

"I 've got to tell you...actually I don't, but I would like much it means to all of us that Phil, Bill's dad, was able to join us today. Sir, it is your kind of strength and character which you have instilled in your son that I admire so much as a friend, and Kori holds dear as a husband. Thank you.

A little over a hundred years ago, a golden spike was driven into the railroad connecting the established East with the new frontier of the West. Today we share the joining of two lives, Kori and Bill's, with the honor of witnessing their marriage symbolized by bands of gold.

Now, the economics of this union may not compare to the commercial prosperity of the Transcontinental Railroad, but something more important is happening. Bill and Kori have joined their lives together like two locomotives leading a single express train in which we are all fortunate to be passengers on. Imagine the wonderful times ahead we will all share with them as they explore and travel down the tracks of life together. I for one am looking forward to where the journey will take them.

One a personal note...Bill, in the past, when I have found myself low on steam and unable to see myself getting over that next hill, I have always appreciated you being there to stoke up a head of steam for me, and helping me get over that hill. I am sure that I can speak for all your family and friends when I say that if you or Kori ever need help stoking up steam to get over your next hill, you can count on me. You'll probably find me waiting for you in the bar car. In fact, I see some of you are already there, so perhaps you'll all join me now in raising a glass and toasting the marriage of Bill and Kori."

Great job Bob. And Bill, best of luck to you and Kori on your new adventure. May it be more exciting than all past and future Waffler adventures, without all the scars. Waffles Bill!